
недеља, 24. јун 2012.


Peacock style <3

Dres like Jessie J

 Oke,dakle cesto imamo pitanja kako uciniti prvi korak prema simpatiji...Pa da pocnemo:
   Kada upoznate nekog decka/devojku ili ga/je znate iz vidjenja,iz skole ili slicno obicno ne znate sta da radite..
        Evo i o tome nesto.
Sigurna sam da 99% vas ima facebook. I cemu vam sluzi osim za statuse,linkove,slike i dopisivanje sa drugovima/drugaricama? Za promenu,kada vam se neka osoba svidi javite se njoj na cetu. Nista ne boli.
Teme (za pocetak) neka budu sasvim uobicajene : skola,muzika,drustvo,veze… 
Kada treba stati?
Kada se prvi put javite osobi koja vam se svidja morate znati kada je dosta dopisivanja. Pre svega vidite kakvi ce biti njeni/njegovi odgovori. Ako ti se cini da su drski,hladni,nezainteresovani za nastavak dopisivanja ne navaljujte. Ako odgovori budu u redu sa smajlijem na kraju samo napred. :)
Sta dalje?
Kada budes siguran/na da je vase prijateljstvo preko facebook-a dovoljno jako da mozes bez problema da mu/joj pridjes uradi to. Javi se,pitaj sta radi,kako je,sta ima… Sasvim prirodno. Razgovor ce teci svojim tokom.
Prema tome kako se on/a ponasa zakljuci da li je zagrejan/a za tebe i da li vredi nastaviti truditi se za nesto vise od prijateljstva.
Mislim da cete dalje znati sami. :)

English version:  (not really good :$$)
 OK,so we usually have questions how to do a first step with simpathy ..So,let's start:
  When you met some boy/girl or you know him/her from somewhere when you saw ''em,from school or something like that,you ussually don't know what to do..
       Here's something about it:
(This doesn't work for adventure people and persones that never had a problem with it)
I'm sure that 99% of you have facebook.And for what it you use it except status,links,pictures and chathing with friends?For change,when you like some person say ''hello'' on chat.It doesn't hurt..
Themes (for start) should be ussuall : school,music,friends,relationships… 
When you should stop?
When you say ''hello''to person you like,for a first time,you must know when it's enought chating. First of all,see what kind are her/his answers. If you think they are insolent,cold, uninterested for continuing chating, don't insist. If answers are ok with smiley on the end,go on . :)
What next?
When you are sure that your friendship on  facebook is enought straight that you can  ,with no problem,come to him/her,do that!Say ''HI'',ask what's up,how is it,… So naturally. Conversation will go on...
So,how is he/she acting conclude is he/she into you and does it worth to continue trying  for something more than a  friendship.
I think you will know yourself from then :)

P.S.I know my translate is not so good,but you will understand,just try :D
xoxo,TaMaRa <3

Just me :)

      Hej :D
Zovem se Tamara i iz Srbije sam . Volim zivotinje,

izlaske , putovanja i muuuziku <3
 Recimo sve sto vole mladi :D
Napravila sam blogg iz dosade,ali verujem da ce biti jako interesantno ^^
Furam svoj stil i ne obracam mnogo paznje na ono sto drugi kazu :$
Veliki uzor mi je Avril Lavigne :D
Dakle ja cu se truditi da ipak budem svestrana :P Ovde cu stavljati clanke ..Biti vam savetnica oko mode kao i oko situacije iz privatnog zivota ^^
Znaci zenski kutak,i sve koje interesuje to :)
Pa,da pocnemo? :P :D <3

English  version

(I changed some things becouse I can't to translation perfect :P):      Hey :D
My name is Tamara and I come from Serbia... I love animals,nature,family,friends, outgoings, travellings and music  <3 Let's say,all that jung people like :D
I made blogg becouse I was bored,but I belive it will be interesting ^^
I have my own style and I don't pay a lot of attencion what other says :$
My big idol is Avril Lavigne :D
Well,I'm going to try to show you every style :P I'll put here articles(again not sure xd ).Be your advisor for fashion and situacions from private life  ^^
So women's corner ,and for everybody who are interested in that :)
So,let's start? :P :D <3